My work in Cork

I worked in a office of EazyCity in the Cork’s center.
This agency have a lot of apartments around the city and they rent them to people.
My tasks were a lot. For example sometimes I had to call some clients to know some information about their staying or to explain some rules or remember them important things.
Most of the time I had to write in a diary. In the office we have a diary with all the check in and check out or the movements for all the clients and I had to upgrade it.
I learnt how to do a check in and a check out.
One day I went with one of my colleagues and I watched how to do it.
When you do a check in you have to show to the client the house and explain him the rules.
For the check out you have to take the keys from the client and look if inthe house it’s all okay.
I think that this was the most interesting task that I did. I like to work in a office but I also like to move my self while the work and so for this it was the thing that I liked the most.

Penso che questa esperienza sia stata davvero fantastica, ho imparato molto e spero di ripeterne altre come questa!

Federico Menozzi.


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