As requested by the project, I spent a little part of my time in Ireland to ask my host family about some very important issues nowadays. 
The first question was:
1. What are the job offers for Irish teenagers? Do they have to emigrate abroad?

My host father gave me this precise answer: "Irish teenagers have some possibilities of job offers in some professions, but some of them emigrate abroad for better wages (ex. nurses ect.)".
Whereas the second question was:
1. Whats the use of the renewable energies in your country? Is there the idea that the thermal insulation allows to have more comforts at home?

My host mum decided to answer it saying: "In Ireland the importance of renewable energies was not previously recognized, but its becoming an important issue in recent times. Yes, theres definitely the idea that the thermal insulation can do that. Government subsidises insulation of homes".
Another fundamental topic concerned the use of thermal insulation at work, without paying for heating and trying to save money as much as possible in the usage of carbon and gas.
I asked some colleagues of mine who were quite informed about it and said that at least till November they don't usually turn the heating on, so that they can save money as much as possible.
Sometimes they may use heaters, but that's not common anyway.

Overall we can say Irish people are becoming more sensible to this issue and trying to do their best to save as much as possible.
In Italy it's more or less the same, but in some cases I notice the usage of heating is exaggerated and this might compromise our lifestyle in the future.

Regarding the job offers, I can say in Italy it's nearly the same. We've got the so called "brain escape", because many graduates don't find offers in lots of sectors in their country and are forced to emigrate abroad and then settle in there.


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